About us

Thank you for visiting Medicarehealthplanforme.com! Our purpose is to provide Free and a No Obligation Quote for the Lowest Rate Medicare Supplement Plans available in your area. In addition, we can provide quotes for Life, Health, and Annuity related products.
We are not affiliated with nor endorsed by the U.S. Government or Federal Medicare Program. We are a privately licensed Life, Health, and Annuity Insurance Brokerage located in the DMV area. If you live in the Maryland, Washington D.C., Northern Virginia, or Pennsylvania area we can schedule a face to face meeting in your home with a licensed agent. Otherwise, our free consultations can be done over the telephone. Submission of your contact information allows permission for an agent to contact you with comprehensive information such as details about cost savings and assistance with choosing the most suitable plan that meets your budget and health coverage goals.
If you decide to do business with us; Our goal is to develop a life-long partnership by providing complimentary annual phone calls, e-mails or letters to offer guidance about converting to a lower rate Medicare Supplement Plan if you experience any significant rate increases in the unforeseen future. In addition, we are here to answer any questions that you may have with all other services that we provide as well. We are able to offer these services at no cost to you since insurance companies pays us directly. Your cost for the Medicare Supplement plan is exactly the same whether you use our free consultations or sign up directly with the carriers.

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