What is Plan F?

Upside: This MediGap plan has been the most popular plan until recent changes. This plan covers 100% of all Medicare approved claims with no copayments, coinsurance, nor deductables.

Downside: Plan F is usually the most expensive plan with higher rate increases compared to most other plans since it has a Guaranteed Issue feature which allow applicants to join Plan F with pre-existing conditions when they first turn 65 or when they leave their employee coverage plan at a later retirement age.

Plan F will no longer be offered to new medicare recipients in 2020 and later due to the new Doc Fix law. (Please see the article link below to read about why Plan F will no longer be available in 2020 for new Medicare applicants)


However, those that are on Plan F can stay in this plan since it’s guaranteed renewable for life. This means that as long as you make timely premiums for any Medicare Supplement plan, the benefits will be exactly the same for life and you benfits can never be cancelled.